The Gold Academy: Learn how East Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative provides intentional professional development.


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TASN ATBS is excited to highlight the East Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative. This cooperative employs over 400 staff and provides services to eight districts in four counties. In this newsletter, assistant special education director Pauline Hintz shares about their "Gold Academy" program which provides intentional professional development (PD) to cooperative staff. She is quick to share that this program would not be as successful without the hard work and effort that district teams have put in.

If you're interested in learning about an innovative way to provide professional development opportunities, read the following excerpt in which Pauline shares how the academy came into existence. Rockville Elementary staff also share how the Gold Academy has impacted students and staff.

Click here to hear from the Rockville Elementary team and how this professional development has supported them

preview image of Gold_Academy_Final_.pdf for The Gold Academy: Learn how East Central Kansas Special Education Cooperative provides intentional professional development.


Family / Community, Educators, Administrators
TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports (ATBS)
Funded by KSDE Special Education and Title Services (SETS). Administered by the Pittsburg State University. Copyright © 2024. All Rights Reserved.